The Loop 2.21.23
Congratulations to our entire team on finishing under 120 seconds for all week breakfast peak. As an organization we finished at 117 seconds for February 12th – 18th from 7am-9am. We are becoming a force to be reckoned with. Well done!
Digital Experience
Ready on Arrival is just around the corner. Please have any crew and managers complete the ROA Simulator on Fred or Campus. You can access both on Fred or this link.
Digital Stats – February Month To Date
Digital usage 25.70% of transactions
February 21st – Sanitation Exams Madison 8a-2p, Rockford 130p-4p
February 21st – GM Patch Calls 130p-230p
February 22nd – People DM Meetings 9a-4p Nick’s Market @ #5836 Mulford 314 N Mulford Rockford IL and Michael’s Market @ #94 Madison Rd.
February 26th – Release Payroll ILLINOIS ONLY
February 27th – WISCONSIN PAYDAY!
Promotions & Marketing Updates – ALL Restaurants
February 21st – Start Harper Collins HM
February 22nd – Ready On Arrival Go Live Date
**Please see attached documents for the Co-Op specific promotions**
MOCNI - #13650, #25899 & Huntley Patch
IL/IA - #32257
GWOS – All Others
Action Items from Weekly Emails
March 7th – MOP Stall Survey
All GM Meeting
Don’t forget about our general manager/staff meeting on March 1st from 9a-4p at the Beloit Sports Center. The Beloit Sport Center is located at 557 E Grand Ave, Beloit, WI 53511. There will be some snacks and refreshments but feel free to bring some of your own. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Crew 2.0
It is more important now than ever for your team to know their crew ID. This allows for training to be tracked easier for crew and the training goes right to PDW. Please access the Crew 2.0 page on @mcd and see attached information.
New Apparel Store Is Live
Iron Arch Apparel Store (click this live link)
We have many new updates:
- You can order anytime you like.
- Orders can now be shipped to your house or an in-store pick-up option.
- New apparel items
- Women's or Men's sizes
- You have the choice of an Iron Arch or Bucciferro Family McDonald’s Logo
Please let us know if we missed anything, We hope you enjoy it!
In-Person Leadership Transitions
There is still room in the March 29th – 31st in-person leadership transitions. This 3-day course will be held at the office and be combined with some operational instruction at a restaurant. All students must have all 16 modules completed prior to the class. Please email if you have any students.
Loomis Change Orders
When you email your request for your change order you need to put the change order amount into the safe. Think about it as going to the bank and taking the money for exchange for the change you want.
Please remember to put the amount of money for the change order in the safe on the day that the change order has been placed. Routine deposit audits are showing that many locations are not “paying” for their change order through the safe. There are no exceptions for any change order. Any questions, please email
Frozen Beverage Planned Maintenance
As part of the FCB deployment program established with KBI and McDonald’s, the FCB PM will be completed by Ken’s Beverage for each of the annually scheduled preventative maintenance visits. Your location(s) will be contacted by Ken’s Beverage by phone 3 to 7 business days prior to the PM to confirm the scheduled date for the PM visit. The PM will take approximately 60-90 minutes on site, PM will not interfere with any peak period time frames and have minimal impact on the normal operations of the location.
Boil Outs
Don’t forget it is time again for boil outs. Please see the attached schedule for your date and directions.
Martin Brower Survey
Please complete the Martin Brower Customer Satisfaction Survey by February 28th. Let your voices be heard and enter to win a chance some prizes. Scan this QR code to take the survey. Answers are confidential.
Staffing Levels – 2.21.2023
Please see the attached staffing levels as of February 21st. If you have questions, please ask your Operations Supervisor.