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The Loop 4.25.23

Operations: 85% OSAT from 7am – 9am with 3 surveys/restaurant completed a day by May 31st.

Technology: Have a 90% roster of OTP1+ certified in restaurant OTPs by June 1st.

Fix It: Have 90% trained in restaurant fix it team by July 1st.

Public Relations: Ownership of community events back to restaurant leadership by July 1st.

Operations Coordinator: Virtual orientation version 1 ready for implementation for the website by May 1st.

Training: Create an interactive Shift Leadership Roadmap by June 1st.

Office Manager: Streamline all AMEX policies/procedures by July 2023.

Human Resources: Office staff 100% trained on employee relations by May 31st.

Digital Experience

Did you miss the NABIT Maximizing ROA webcast? You can watch it here. A Spanish version is also available on the same page.

ROA Tip: If a guest’s digital order times out, they will receive a refund automatically on the app. Simply have them reorder their food and process it the same as a normal MOP order. The refund for the first order is automatically placed back on the card.

Digital Stats – Month to Date

Digital usage 25.64% of transactions


April 29th – Happy 26th McD Anniversary Dawn Redieske

April 30th – Release Payroll – Wisconsin Only

May 1st – Happy Birthday Carmen Luevano

May 1st – Illinois Pay Day

May 1st – Happy 14th McD Anniversary Kate Eisenreich

Promotions & Marketing Updates – ALL Restaurants

April 24th – Last Day Masked Singer HM

April 25th – Start Guardians of the Galaxy HM

April 27th – Mac Sauce Cups All Selling Date

**Please see attached documents for the Co-Op specific promotions**

MOCNI - #13650, #25899 & Huntley Patch

IL/IA - #32257

GWOS – All Others

Action Items This Week:

April 25th – GM Community Interest Survey

Loomis Change & Smart Safe Locations

After much consideration and a lot of feedback from doing change orders - Iron Arch has decided to update the process on paying for the change orders - we will no longer require the money being dropped in the smart safe on the same days as the change order is made.

The new procedure is as follows: Place your change order with Loomis once this change order is delivered you immediately drop the amount of the money in the smart safe. Please start this process with your next change order. Call the office or email with any questions.

Employee Appreciation

Thank you to all the restaurants that participated in Employee Appreciation week last week. From the pictures that were submitted (160!), it looks like a lot of fun was had in the restaurants!

Please remember to take a picture of your BINGO card and email it to or simply upload it to the picture portal using the QR code on your BINGO card. The drawing for the 6 patch winners will be drawn on Thursday 4/27.

SMX Feedback Survey

We have completed the first session of SMX class. Thank you for sending learners to the sessions. As always, we want to know how we did and what changes we can make for future classes. Please have your learner complete the SMX Feedback Survey about their experience. It is anonymous so we can receive open and honest feedback. They can also access it on the Manager Tab. Let us know how we did and what we can do to make it even better!

Voice Results

The Beloit, Huntley and Rockford Patches all finished with over $200 being paid out! Huntley edged everyone out with a total of $285. Overall, $1,145 will be paid out for April 1st – 15th. Left on the table, another $2,785. Please see the attached results.

eProduction – Tempering Cheese

The new tempering cheese procedure means that the eProduction settings need to be changed on the Thaw & Tempering screens. Here is a short video that will walk you through the changes on both screens.

Tempering Cheese eProduction

Meet With Leadership

Did you know that any Iron Arch employee can request a meeting with anyone in leadership? There is a Meet with Leadership link on our team page, or you can use this link.

Uniform Requests

There is currently a backorder on uniforms from the supplier. Please be patient as there is a minimum of three weeks until some sizes ship.

General Manager Community Event Interest

Don’t forget to complete the General Manager Community Interest survey by April 25th.

Staffing Levels 4.24.2023

Please see the attached staffing levels for April 24th. If you have any questions, please ask your Operations Supervisor.

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